Map Title Properties

The Properties of the Map Title as seen in the Properties grid are listed below.


Background Color The Color for the Background of this item.
Caption A label for the asset.
Font Name The name of the font to use for the caption.
Font Size The size of the text for the caption.
Is Bold Whether the text is bold (checked) or not (unchecked).
Is Italic Whether the text is italicized (checked) or not (unchecked).
Line Spacing How far apart to place the lines of text on the caption.
Strikethrough Check this box to add a strikethrough to the caption text.
Text Alignment The alignment of the caption text.
Text Color The color of the caption's text.
Underlined Check this box to underline the caption text.
Vertical Alignment The Alignment of the text. Choose from:
  • Top
  • Bottom
  • Center


Visible Whether the item is Visible (checked) or not (unchecked).


Select Map The Map Container this item is assigned to.


Description A short Description of this item.
ID The unique identifier for this item.


Height The vertical length of the item in pixels.
Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
X The position on the x-axis where the item is located on the canvas.
Y The position on the y-axis where the item is located on the canvas.