Display Layout Workflow Usage

Display Layouts can be managed from within Workflows. The below items are listed under the Display Layout object when editing a block.


Triggers Description
Started Runtime Runtime has started running.
Selected Assets Changed Assets have been selected or deselected.


Command Parameters Description
Deselect All Deselects all currently selected assets.
Select Assets Assets To Select — The assets to be selected. Selects a specific set of assets. These assets must be of the same type, and multi-select must be enabled for the systems. This will not cause Runtime to navigate to another Map.
Set Assets Visibility

Visible — Whether the assets are to be visible (True) or not (False).

Assets — Which assets to change the visibility for.

Sets a specified collection of assets to either be visible or invisible.


Property Description
Item ID The unique identifier for this item.
Item Type The Type of item this is.
Name The value for this property is the Description configured via the property grid when the item is selected in Designer.
Last button pressed event The last occurring button pressed event.
Selected asset Ids A list of the Ids currently selected in Runtime.
Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
Height The vertical height of the item in pixels.
Background The image displayed in the Background for this Display Layout.