Alarm Grid Workflow Usage

The Triggers, Commands, and Properties available for the Alarm Grid in Workflows are listed below.


Trigger Description
Alarm Selected A new selection has been made on the Alarm Grid. This will only trigger if automatic selection is enabled.


Command Parameters Description
Reset Filter and Sorting Resets any filters and sorting to their defaults.
Alarm Automatic Select Enabled — Whether selecting an entry from the alarm grid automatically opens the Map containing the asset and selects it (True) or not (False). Enable or disable the automatic navigation and selection of assets when its entry is selected in the Alarm Grid.
Deselect Row Deselects the currently selected row.
Print On Workstation Default Printer Prints the current entries in the Alarm Grid to the default printer configured for the Workstation.
Set Position

X Coordinate — The coordinate on the x-axis to move the item to.

Y Coordinate — The coordinate on the y-axis to move the item to.

Moves the position of the item to a specific set of coordinates on the canvas.
Set Size

Width — The width of the item in pixels.

Height — The height of the item in pixels.

Changed the size of the item to a specific Height and Width.
Set Visibility Value — If the item is visible (True) or not (False). Change whether an item is visible in Runtime.
Set Fill Color Color — The Fill Color of the item. Set a new Fill Color for the item.


Properties Description
Item ID The unique identifier for this item.
Item Type The Type of item this is.
Border Thickness How thick in pixels the border is. If required, contained content is clipped to fit within the defined border.
Corner Radius This determines how rounded or sharp the corners of the item are. The higher the value, the more rounded they are.
Border Color The color of the border on the item.
Header Height The Height of the header in pixels.
Display Header Whether or not the Header is visible.
Header Background The Color for the Background of the header for this item.
Fill Color The color currently set to fill the item background.
Width The horizontal length of the item in pixels.
Height The vertical height of the item in pixels.
Is Visible Whether the item is visible (True) or not (False).
RowHeight The Height of each Row in pixels.
Automatic Select Enabled Whether selecting an entry in the Alarm Grid automatically opens the Map containing the asset and selects it (True) or not (False).
Filter and Sort Info String The String containing the current Filter and Sort information.
Header Text The text value for the Header.
Header Text Color The color of the caption's text.
Header Font Family The name of the font to use for the caption.
Item Name The Name for the item.
Name The value for this property is the Description configured via the property grid when the item is selected in Designer.
Opacity How visible the item is. The higher the value, the more opaque it is. The lower the value, the more translucent it is.
Top The value for where on the y-axis the top of the item is located in relation to the canvas.
Left The value for where on the x-axis the left side of the item is located in relation to the canvas.
Z Index The position of the item when overlapped with other items. The item with the higher index value appears on top.